Birth Your Book

Birth Your Book

Is your book calling you? Do you long to share your wisdom with a wider community? Do you have a story idea that won’t stop nagging at you? Do you just know that your journey will inspire and uplift others?

You want to write and publish your book – or books – and get them out into the world. It’s part of your heart’s deepest calling to join the ranks of the authors who have helped transform your life with their words.

You want the “expert” status that being an author provides. You know that your book will change lives, uplift people, and help make the world a better place.

And those muses can be insistent.

Your book just won’t stop whispering in your ear.

Maybe you even have part of a manuscript on your hard drive, or pages of notes that you’ve been saving.

BUT…and there are a lot of “buts” for those of us called to give birth to a book…

  • How will you carve out the time to write your book?
  • Do you need an outline? (aka a birth plan)
  • Can you even write a whole book?
  • Will it be any good?
  • What happens once you’ve got your first draft?
  • How will you get your book published?
  • Isn’t being a successful author a one-in-a-million shot?
  • Where on Earth do you begin?!

In some ways, it’s easier than ever before to get your book into the hands of your readers. You can, if you choose, bypass the gatekeepers of big traditional publishers. You can become part of the new world of successful independent authors. Your book can inspire your readers, help you create a community of change-makers, and light a fire under your chosen career.

But the details quickly get overwhelming – and can freeze you in place. (Then you’re doing nothing to bring your book to life.) Things like:

  • How do you know when your book is “good enough” to publish?
  • Is your book idea viable, or does it need to be further developed?
  • How do you write an outline and still stay open to creative inspiration?
  • What are the elements of an inspiring book or captivating story?
  • Where do you find the time to write regularly?
  • How do you discover your book’s “voice?”
  • What about editing?

The whole thing can be so overwhelming that you just throw up your hands – and let your poor book languish in the depths of your laptop or desk drawer. You don’t return your muse’s calls. Your creative inspiration begins to fade.

It’s not a good feeling.

Becoming an author doesn’t mean you have to work alone – bringing a book into the world is a team effort.

You need a midwife, to assist with the birth of your book. I can help.

I’m Nikki Starcat Shields, and I’m a published author of several books – in both the indie and traditional publishing realms. I’m also a lifelong bookworm and word lover, with experience helping fellow indie authors along the path to publication.

I offer a full range of services that will guide you from a vague idea to a fully completed manuscript.

Are you ready to finally stop just thinking about the book within you, and actually create the book you’ve been dreaming of writing? Are you ready to FEEL like a “real” author?

Be part of a growing community of aspiring authors who are choosing to bring life to their heart-felt books. Schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation now.

Book My Session Now!

Here’s what to expect during our consultation. First, we’ll discuss your vision for your book. Next, we’ll determine exactly where you’re stuck. Finally, we’ll figure out the next steps that make sense for you to get the support that you need to move forward.

Depending on your unique needs, here are some of the solutions we can talk about on our call:

  • The process of growing your book from idea to manuscript
  • Getting past procrastination and into a regular writing habit
  • Quieting your inner editor so you can tap into your most creative self and write your rough draft
  • Developing confidence in your writer’s voice
  • How to draw readers into your world and keep them reading
  • Finding the tools that will keep you writing, even during those times when you feel stuck

Are you ready to get clarity on the next steps to bring your book to life? Schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation now!

Book My Session Now!

What Nikki’s clients are saying:

“Having Nikki Starcat Shields in my corner allowed me to go from spinning my wheels for over a year with an idea and a TON of transcribed pages to actually getting my butt on the cushion and a book draft in front of me. Nikki brings love and magic to her book midwifing. She offers kindness where I’d been cracking the whip and curiosity where I’d been judging myself. I had tried forcing my DIY writing process, but it kept fizzling out. New words would just roll off my collection of dense content. Nikki’s gentle persistence soaked in over time. With Nikki’s support, I was able to find solutions that worked for my personality and creative process so my vision could finally take root. 

“Getting through this first book has been monumental for me. Now that I’m in the final stage of editing, ideas for the next one are already starting to sprout! I’m carving out time to be at Nikki’s writing retreat this summer because I know that doing this with support and ease will beat the ever loving pants off of trying but ultimately not actually doing it on my own.”

Jennifer Elizabeth Moore, author of Empathic Mastery

“Nikki Starcat Shields is the real deal! The Sacred Path for Writers program has been transformative for me. The power of the supportive group, the weekly check-ins, topic calls, deep-dives, and retreat have all enhanced my relationship to my own creative process in the most beautiful way. As our fearless leader, Nikki is nurturing, inspired, and expert in guiding us through and down our own sacred paths to our finished projects. She has a special touch with those of us who are longing to put out into the world the ideas we’ve held for so long. We’ve delved into the nuts and bolts of writing – outlines, recruiting readers, setting up our individual writing practices, and we’ve gone deeper into why our projects are calling us, what it means to birth these books into the world, how we are uniquely suited to be the voice for these inspired works. I have loved this process wholeheartedly and will continue to work with this group and with Nikki. What a gift to find Nikki and her Sacred Path for Writers – right when I needed it most.”

Megan Austin Oberle, The LOA Fool

“Nikki was involved in a substantial way in the early stages of my novel Felix Yz, which was first a serial web-fiction, then a self-published book, and then a conventionally published book. During the first two self-produced stages, Nikki provided thorough and insightful editorial help and crucial creative support. She was a joy to work with: prompt, professional, patient, and cheerful. I firmly believe one of the reasons my book got published was that it got better through the stages of its development, and Nikki had a significant role in that. I highly recommend her services.”

Lisa Bunker, author of Felix Yz